
This research direction focuses on:

  •  studying the inequalities between Russian households as owners of non-financial assets;
  •  defining the scale and directions of change in socio-economic statuses of households;
  •  quantitative assessment of inequalities in people’s access to medicine and healthcare services.
Sociologists from NSES were the first ones in post-Soviet Russia to address the issues of economic mobility in their research, and described regional differences in the structures of non-financial wealth of the Russian households.


PhD in Sociology, Bogomolova Tatiana Yurievna

PhD in Sociology, Cherkashina Tatiana Yurievna

Research is conducted in NSU, as well as at the Social problems section and Municipal management section at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Section of General Sociology at the Department of Economics
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences