
Focus of this research area – economic practices and multi-structural economic systems in rural areas, as well as the monitoring of social effects of transformation on economic life in rural areas. The unique research done in this area analyzes self-organization of rural communities under the conditions of the bankruptcy of agricultural enterprises and the strategies of negotiating interests by different economic agents (agricultural corporations, joint stock companies, cooperatives, institutionalized farmers and private farms) with each others as well as with rural communities.

DSc in Sociology, Professor Kalugina Zemfira Ivanovna
PhD in Sociology, Fadeeva Ol’ga Petrovna

Research is conducted in NSU, as well as at the Social problems section and Municipal management section at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Section of General Sociology at the Department of Economics
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberisa Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences