
The laboratory is involved in scientific research using a principally new methods of generating and diagnosing terahertz radiation as well as a broad range of practical applications of electromagnetic radiation in the High Radio Frequency (HRF) range of up to a terahertz.

The main areas of experimental and theoretical research the laboratory is involved in include the following:

  •  Generating submillimeter and terahertz radiation in plasma under conditions of pumping strong Langmuir turbulence by a beam of relativistic electrons;
  •  Two-stage THz radiation generation scheme in a planar maser on free electrons;
  •  Heating SHF plasma in a gas-dynamic trap using electron cyclotron resonance;
  •  Selective systems of quasi optical frequency for submillimeter and THz radiation;
  • High-intensity laser beam irradiation influence on different substances to create radically new technologies, substances and materials.
The research is carried out in the following subdivisions of the laboratory:

  •  The division for generating submillimeter radiation in plasma during the relaxation process of relativistic electron beam – А. B. Arzhannikov (arzhannikov@phys.nsu.ru);
  •  The division for generating submillimeter radiation in a two-stage scheme in a planar maser on free electrons – S.L.Sinitsky (S.L.Sinitsky@inp.nsk.su),;
  •  The division of quasi optical systems with the waverange from millimeter to THz – S. A. Kuznetsov (SAKuznetsov@nsm.nsu.ru);
  •  The division of HRF radiation for plasma heating using electron cyclotron resonance – P. A. Bagryansky; (p.a.bagryansky@inp.nsk.su)
  •  The division of strong HRF effect to receive new materials – P.V. Kalinin (p.v.kalinin@inp.nsk.su).
The Laboratory’s unique results include the following:

  •  Strong radiation flow has been generated in the wave range of up to 0.6 mm in two plasma waves junction point;
  •  Synchronous single frequency generation in the vicinity of 4 mm wavelength in a two-channel planar maser with the channel width exceeding radiation wavelength by more than an order;
  •  Unique frequency-selective devices for the wavelength ranging from 4 mm to 0.1 mm have been designed on the basis of subwave topology of microstructures;
  •  Gas dynamic trap (GDT) has been used at INP SB RAS to design an electron cyclotron HRF plasma heating system at about 50 GHz frequency with peak power in the 0.5 MW range;
  •  Applying high-power radiation at frequences 2.45 and 24 GHz in HRF-reactors to different substances and materials has demonstrated time reduction of chemical reactions with the final product output staying unchanged.
Generating submillimeter- and THz-range radiation with a large peak power is of great importance for the solution of military defense and security tasks as well as for the use of near space in the interests of the country. Receiving high values of plasma electron temperature thanks to using electron cyclotron heating has made possible the creation of a neutron source necessary for the development of safe nuclear power engineering. Frequency selective devices operating in the millimeter and THz wavelength range are used in for research studies in the given ranges and have good prospects for the application in different systems of communication and for highly effective detection of concealed objects in security systems.

The Laboratory’s fundamental research has been supported by the grants given by the Russian Scientific Fund in the following two areas: generation of THz radiation in plasma at high-current relativistic electron beam relaxation and electron cyclotron plasma heating in an open magnetic trap (GDT).

Head of the Laboratory: Prof. Manfred Kaspar Andreas Thumm (Ph. D.), a scientific adviser at The Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany) (Thumm@nsm.nsu.ru; manfred.thumm@kit.edu)

Research area expert: Vice-head of the laboratory, Prof. Andrey Vasiliyevich Arzhannikov (Doctor of Science, Physics and Mathematics) (arzhannikov@phys.nsu.ru, 363-4019; a.v.arzhannikov@inp.nsk.su, 329-4589)

Laboratory website
Plasma Physics Section at NSU
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences