
The division includes the wide range of issues of the theory of management and decision making as philosophical concepts dealing with the uncertainties and risks in decision making, gnoseological, social and philosophical foundations of management, in particular – the ideas of normative and descriptive approaches, and of the possibilities to implement systemic approach in theory and practice of management. The analysis of applied aspects of decision making in the theories of informational society, risk society, knowledge society is also of great importance. The research is conducted in collaboration with the section of the philosophy of science at the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

NSU has developed one of the few independent schools in Russia which is not only oriented towards the theoretical aspects of philosophy, but also pays much attention to the applied aspects of management in the system of higher education and science. The school is also famous for preparing the Russian translation of the fundamental text “The logic of decision” by R.C. Jeffrey.

Expert – DSc in Philosophy, Prof. Vladimir Diev, diev@smile.nsu.ru