
This specialization explores the scope of themes from the history of Western philosophy since the end of XIX century until the present times: the analysis of the development of contemporary philosophy, including the continental tradition and postmodern philosophy, in particular, the problem of the reconstruction of philosophical knowledge, the reception of I. Kant’s ideas in the contemporary philosophy, the philosophy of French postmodernism, theory of the Subject, contemporary pragmatism, critique of the analytical philosophy, etc.
The results of the academic’s work are published in scientific publications abroad, for example, "Between Myth and Nihilism. Community in Jean-Luc Nancy's Philosophy“ (O.A. Domanov). Translations of work by R. Rorty, "Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature" (V.V. Tselishchev), A. Planting’s "God, Freedom, Evil" (V.V. Tselishchev), and the monumental work of B. Russell, "History of Western Philosophy" (V.V. Tselishchev) achieved widespread fame in the post-Soviet space.  

Expert – DSc in Philosophy Evelina Barbashina, linaba@mail.ru