
This research Laboratory is aimed at developing new theoretical and experimental approaches to modern nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry.

Primary objectives:

  •  develop approaches for increasing the sensitivity of magnetic resonance tomography through the use of nuclear spin hyperpolarization created in biocompatible fluids in heterogeneous hydrogenation reactions by parahydrogen;
  •  study the mechanism for fast radical reactions involving biologically important molecules;
  •  investigate the metabolism of normal lenses and those with cataracts in humans and experimental animals;
  •  study the biological processes of DNA repair with nuclear magnetic resonance.

 Laboratory results:

  •  significant expansion of the magnetic resonance tool to address the needs of modern chemistry, biology and medicine, including the development of new highly sensitive methods for studying the structure and dynamics of biologically important macromolecules (amino acids, nucleotides, peptides, RNA and DNA, proteins);
  •  development of techniques to increase the sensitivity of the NMR method 10,000 times and the transfer of polarization to selected target spins;
  •  development of a high resolution NMR method with fast magnetic field switching;
  •  study of chemical and biochemical processes involving biomacromolecules;
  •  a detailed study of the mechanisms for important catalytic and biocatalytic reactions and the detection of short-lived intermediates in these processes.

The cumulative application of the magnetic resonance spectroscopy and tomography tools developed, in combination with new methods of proteomic analysis, are used for:

  •  analyzing the post-translational modifications of proteins;
  •  studying the fundamental aspects of fast-acting reactions involving amino acids, nucleotides, peptides and proteins;
  •  studying the detailed mechanisms of photodynamic and oxidative processes in the development and treatment of cataracts;
  •  identifying detailed mechanisms of industrially important catalytic processes and biocatalytic reactions.
The Magnetic Resonance Laboratory was established within the framework of a state supported program for scientific research conducted under the guidance of leading scientists at Russian universities. 

The Laboratory Head is Professor Robert Kaptein, Professor of the University of Utrecht, Holland.

Laboratory partners: Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS, Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry SB RAS, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SB RASInternational Tomography Center Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Laboratory Expert:  Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences Renad Zinnurovich Sagdeev, itc@tomo.nsc.ru