
The Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling of Multi-core and Multimode Optical Fibers with Applications in Lasers and Telecommunication Systems investigates the fundamental nonlinear effects that occur when light propagates in multi-core and multimode fibers. Optical fibers with several light-guiding cores, multi-core light guides, are a newly emerging technology that have important practical applications. This technology has great potential to provide a significant increase in the throughput of trunk optical communication lines through the spatial multiplexing of the signal. At the same time, such fibers are interesting in relation to research on nonlinear discrete physical systems. In addition to telecommunications applications, multi-core light guides are being actively explored for laser applications. Fibers of this type can form the basis for a whole series of photonic systems and a new class of devices.

The Laboratory is engaged in the following activities:

  •  The development of fundamental knowledge concerning the nature of nonlinear dynamics of light in multi-core and multimode optical fibers and the application of the results obtained in fiber lasers and fiber-optic communication lines;
  •  Studying the generation and propagation of discrete solitons, optical discrete vortices, and optical spatiotemporal solitons in multi-core light guides with strong coupling;
  •  Studying the possibility of increasing the capacity of communication lines by simultaneously transmitting data on different modes of multimode fiber and via new ways of processing received optical signals based on machine learning methods.

To achieve these goals, the Laboratory has the following objectives:

  •  Create a software package for modeling multi-core and multimode fiber waveguides, as well as devices that are founded on them that are based on effective numerical algorithms oriented towards performance on high-performance computing systems;
  •  Develop improved methods for signal transmission and processing based on multi-core and multimode optical fibers, as well as their integration with methods already in use;
  •  Develop new ways to increase the capacity of fiber-optic communication lines based on the use of multimode fibers with commercial potential.

Partner LaboratoriesAstonn Institute of Photonic Technologies (AIPT), Instituten of Automation and Electrometry of Siberian Branch of RAS, Instituten of Computational Technologies of Siberian Branch of RAS

Head of Laboratory — Anastasia Bednyakova, PhD, anastasia.bednyakova@gmail.com