
About the laboratory

Providing algorithmic solutions to problems requires studying, whether there exists an algorithm for solving the problem, what is its algorithmic complexity, and whether it can be reduced in practice.


Our research covers all stages of algorithm development from mathematically modeling the problem to the implementation in practice:

  • Algorithm design and fundamental research on the computational complexity of problems;
  • Experimental evaluation, and optimization of algorithms for practically occurring data (algorithm engineering and prototyping);
  • Consulting on implementing algorithmic results into practice.

The laboratory participates in educational and organizational activities including

  • scientific supervision, developing and teaching courses for students at Novosibirsk State University and advanced courses for third parties;
  • organization of algorithmic events such as seminars, schools, and conferences;
  • support of international scientific exchange.
Our team includes experts from Novosibirsk State University, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, and Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, which are experienced in fields such as:
  • analysis of biological, transportation, and communication networks;
  • artificial intelligence, data mining, and pattern recognition;
  • cryptography;
  • development of information and decision support systems;
  • logistics, scheduling, and routing.