
The Laboratory studies a number of fundamental problems in modern material science and chemistry of high purity substances, the regularities in “chemical composition – crystal structure – functional characteristics” are established, from which success in the development of new technologies in material synthesis with the given characteristics depends.
The main goal of the laboratory is the creation of a system of information chemical and physical chemical methods of analysis of high purity substances and functional materials, including nanomaterials. Also, an effective functioning of the given system must be guaranteed. To solve this problem the development of new research methods into the structure, composition, morphology and other physical and chemical characteristics of materials is planned as well as the establishment of connection with the target properties.
The main methods used at present which will be further developed in the future include the following: X- diffractometry of crystals, nano- and microsamples; electron microscopy and x-ray analysis; mass spectrometry; atomic absorption spectrometry; a combination of electric chemical methods, CHN and thermal analysis.
The laboratory works in partnership with the University of Regensburg (Germany).

Area expert: Sergey Alexandrovich Gromilov (Doctor of Science, Physics and Mathematics), grom@niic.nsc.ru