
The laboratory conducts research in one of the most rapidly developing areas of molecular biology and medicine and adopts an interdisciplinary approach. The main task of the laboratory is to carry out a broad range of studies aimed at understanding how human defense (immune system) and repair systems work through molecular mechanisms. Particular attention is paid to the role of these defense systems in protecting man from the influence of unhealthy environmental factors and their role in the apparition of diverse diseases, such as autoimmune diseases (AID), as well as to aging-associated diseases inherent to the influence of active forms of oxygens, other mutagens and carcinogens on human organism. The study of systems providing complete genetic information is one of the priority areas of Global Science. A great number of world-class laboratories in the US, the Netherlands, France, England, Japan, Italy, Norway and Germany are involved in this research.

Defects in DNA repair systems are one of the main reasons for neurological disorders and cancer, but at the same time, during treatment for cancer by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it is necessary to inhibit DNA repair systems. Studies are carried out at every level – from molecular to cellular – which provides an integrative understanding of the studied mechanisms, and which consequently enables developing new diagnosis methods, new treatments for cancer, new treatments of neurodegenerative and other diseases

This research is consistent with Global Science priority development areas, as well as with the priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering of "Life Sciences" in the Russian Federation, within the thematic area “Molecular profiling and identification of molecular and cellular mechanisms of pathogenesis”.

Studies are conducted jointly with the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Expert in this field: Head of Lab, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Olga I. Lavrik 363-51-95, lavrik@niboch.nsc.ru

Section of molecular biology of the Department of Natural Sciences NSU
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch of Rusian Academy of Sciences