
Genetic diversity of strains of flu virus Type A and strains of Newcastle disease virus (NCV) circulating among domestic fowl and wild birds inhabiting the territory of the Western Siberia and marine mammals has been the focus of research. Characterization of different NCV strains has been made and their oncolytic properties in a large diversity of neoplastic cells have been studied. Radiocontrast properties of rhenium complexes with different types of ligands have been researched and their biological properties have been investigated. Additionally modern microscopic research methods are being adopted and improved.

The following results were obtained by the laboratory:

  •  New data about the pathogenic power of strains of the flu virus Type A for genetically diverse populations of wild migratory birds and mammals and pathomorphological changes in animals caused by them;
  •  The dynamics of viral shedding into external environment with mucus from the oropharyngeal cavity and cloacae in wild ducks (Anas strepera) when experimentally infected with highly pathogenic avian flu virus A/H5NI during the infection process;
  •  The dynamics of content of specific antivirus antibodies in blood serum of experimentally infected birds during the infection process; virus distribution in the tissues of the wild birds’ internal organs infected with highly pathogenic avian flu virus A/H5N1, structural changes in cell features in wild ducks’ internal organs have been studied;
  •  Biological characteristics of nonadapted and adapted variants of pandemic flu virus A(H5N1)pdm09 in comparison with highly pathegenetic virus A/H5NI;
  •  The dependence of biological effects in Rhenium claster complexes on the nature of internal ligand and their radio-opaque properties to design substances for medical diagnostics;
  •  A method for obtaining heterotransplant model of non-small cell human lung cancer transplanted into immunodeficient SCID-line mice.
Virotherapy efficiency in non-small cell human lung cancer transplanted into mice; antimetastatic activity against NCV strains; histological study and immunocytochemical analysis of tumor samples to determine the oncolytic potential of different NCV strains and virus distribution in tumor and healthy tissues of animals. It will allow us to obtain the data about oncolytic mechanisms of virus’ functioning in tumour cells in vivo.
The laboratory takes part in organizing international schools and seminars as well as conferences in virology and epidemiology at Novosibirsk State University.
The laboratory is also a member of the Analytic and Technological Innovation Center High Technologies and New Materials.
The Laboratory works in cooperation with the following organizations: Scientific Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (SB RAMN), the Institute of Cytology and Genetics (SB RAS), the Institute of Neorganic Chemistry, the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology (SB RAS), the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine (SB RAS).

Head of laboratory: Lydia Vladimirovna Shestopalova (Doctor of Science, Biology, Associate professor), lv@fen.nsu.ru

Molecular Biology Section at NSU
The Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences