
The project aims at studying the structure of discourse of the Russian society communicative activity, and above all, modern Russian media in terms of their deep integration into the socio-political and cultural system in the Asia-Pacific region. This contemporary Russian media space is treated as a unique object for the study of Russian media environment development patterns in its systemic relations with society communication structures (in Russia, urban communities, social groups, and subcultural groups).

Media embedded in daily practice transforms itself into an autonomous entity producing new and uncontrolled information flow. New media create their own agenda. New kinds of relationship between producers and consumers of media-content are shaping. Formalized media system creates specific conditions for the apparition of a possible type of territorial media behavior. However these conditions are not always implemented: direct communication is possible as well as asymmetric one, when opinion leaders locally produce independent information flow. Studying media space is especially important for region development. In fact, the level of “internetization” significantly affects migration processes (in particular of youth), employment, social well-being and moral climate in a region.

Research is conducted in the following areas:
  •  regional media and formation of citizen communication;
  •  study of communication processes in the media from the perspective of sociology and psychology;
  •  communicative culture of ethnoreligious communities of eastern regions and their reflection in the media.
Philologists, historians, and experts in the field of ethnoreligious relations participate to this project. They draw up an inventory of modern Russian society discourses through studying a wide range of public and private communications: from politics, education, science, art, religious customs, social groups, age groups, family to everyday communication. Data systematization will enable us to define systemic relations between discourses, dynamic relations between discourses of the private and public spheres and to identify the trends towards marginalization of the discursive space of Russian society.

Head of the project – Doctor of philological Science, Igor Silantev, silantev@philology.nsc.ru

Institute of Humanities NSU
Institute of Philology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences