
The Section of the Russian history at NSU deals with the wide range of subjects including, but not limited to, the ones most relevant to the contemporary social and political discourse:

  •  Revolution and civil war in Eastern Russia – the subject important in the context of Russian revolutionary 20-30s., which was completely unexplored until 1970s. Scientists from NSU and the Institute of History, SB RAS were the pioneers of the studies in this direction, and are recognized experts in the revolution and the White movement research. 
Expert of the division – Doctor of History, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Shishkin.

  •  History of the Old Believers and the Russian Orthodox Church in Siberia – the study of the indigenous traditions of Russian culture in XVII-XX centuries. The contribution of the Academician N.N. Pokrovsky’s school is recognized at national scale and worldwide. 
Expert of the division – Doctor of History, Professor Natalya Sergeevna Guryanova

  •  History of the Cossacks and regular military formations in Siberia and the Far East
Expert of the division – Doctor of History, Professor Andrey Sergeevich Zuev

Section of the Russian history
Institute of History, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences