
The Aston-NSU International Centre for Photonics was founded with the support of a mega-grant in 2013 as a “physical platform of nonlinear photonic technologies and systems.” The main objective of the project is to develop a physical platform aimed at the application of advanced knowledge in laser technologies, in long distance communications and in medical sensing devices technologies.

Main areas of research include:

  •  advanced concepts and fundamental new theories in nonlinear photonic devices and systems;
  •  new technologies for optical communications, lasers, safe data transmission and medicine;
  •  practical applications of developed technologies in high-speed coherent optical communications, in advanced laser systems for scientific, industrial and medical applications, and in innovative systems for safe data transmission.
The Center for Photonics created in partnership with Aston University (UK) provides NSU with the opportunity to further develop its international collaboration in a fast-paced and multidisciplinary field of Science and high technologies. The Center offers NSU students access to world-class laboratories in the field of high-speed optical communications, fiber-optic and femtosecond laser technologies.

In 2015 the International Center for Photonics won in the contest “Erasmus Plus” European Programme on academic mobility. Erasmus + is a EU programme for Education for 2014-2020 which supports scientific and academic collaboration between universities of the EU and Higher Education Institutions all other the world.

Expert in this field: Director of the Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (United-Kingdom), Professor Sergei K. Turitsyn, skturitsyn@gmail.com

Department of Physics NSU