
The laboratory conducts research focused on the determination of the phylogenetic relationships existing between the ancient and modern sheep. The research is based on genome sequencing, as well as on the search for associative relationships of the identified structural variants with identified economically exploitable phenotypic features, in the context of the reconstruction of this animal domestication.

In parallel the laboratory carries out DNA analysis of animal remains in order to collect information about the presence of genomes of pathogenic microorganisms (Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Brucella, and others), but also about their structural distinctive features, which allows the laboratory to contribute to Research regarding infection origin, evolution and host, coevolution of micro and macroorganisms.

Our researchers gathered a collection of paleontological materials. Methods for isolating ancient DNA from bone samples are optimized. A method aiming at the targeted enrichment of DNA libraries is developed. They conduct analysis in silica of polymorphic regions of mitochondria among representatives of the family Cavicorn (Bovidae), in order to further differentiate representatives of the species of domestic sheep, which belongs to the genus of sheep (Ovis) of this family.

Besides this, the laboratory conducts analysis in silica of databases, enlightening the different genetic traits of domestic sheep, in order to research the genes proper to domestic sheep, and in particular their economically exploitable features. Meanwhile, research is also carried out on ancient horses, found in the same burial grounds where was collected sheep paleontological material, by carrying out haplotyping and by determining their color.

Expert in this field: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Maxim L. Filipenko, max@niboch.nsc.ru

Department of molecular biology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of NSU 

Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences