项目范围内可选的专业: 所有专业
项目范围内可选的专业: 外语、管理、经济学、法学、跨文化交际、教育技术、传播学
项目范围内可选的专业: 格勒诺布尔大学的所有专业
项目范围内可选的专业: 精确科学、工程科学、经济学
项目范围内可选的专业: 精确科学、工程科学、经济学
研究题目: 铂前驱体与承托表面之间结构和电子方面交互作用研究
Short description: Well known that supported Pt catalysts have a wide application in the modern industry. Nevertheless for the more smart application of these systems it is necessary to know how to manage the particle sizes of supported Pt nanoparticles. Typically this task is being solved empirically by selection of Pt precursors and supports as well as varying conditions of sample preparation (support pretreatments, heating treatments and so on). The aim of the present work is to understand what happens during the processes of catalyst preparation, how anchorage process between Pt-contained cluster in solution and support sites during the impregnation process is going on and etc. The main idea of our research is the combined study of the processes of the aging of solutions of Pt precursors and the processes which occur during a support impregnation and heating treatments of the catalysts using SAXS (small angle X-ray scattering), XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) and TEM (transmission electron microscopy) methods. SAXS and TEM provide information about particle size and shape in all stages of preparation from solutions to catalysts. Application of XPS allows information about valence state of Pt-contained particles on the supports during all stage of preparation. So combined knowledge about liquid and solid systems allows to get the key to the size control of supported Pt nanoparticles.
Internship supervisor: Dr. Yurii Larichev and Dr. Anna Nartova, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk State University
语言: 俄语/英语
要求:具有物理学研究方法(XPS, SAXS等)、催化、 材料学基础知识或着对学习材料学、表面科学和多相催化方面的知识和技能拥有强烈动机。
Short description: The [FeO]2+ group in the ferryl S=2 FeIV=O ground state is shown to be key intermediate in the oxidation catalysis by the non-heme iron enzymes.[1] The same group in the oxyl FeIII-O• state formed in zeolite Fe-ZSM-5, called “α-oxygen FeIII-O• center“, revealed extraordinary activity in the methane-to-methanol oxidation.[2] Our team has been developing the conception on determinative role of the oxyl state and its energy with respect to the ferryl ground state in the H abstraction from methane with the iron-hydroxide complexes containing the [FeO]2+ group by means of the DFT and CASPT2 calculations. [3] Internship is proposed to be the DFT study of the methane oxidation on model ferryl complexes in zeolites
[1] M. Lundberg, T. Borowski, Coord. Chem. Rev. 257 (2013) 277–289. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2012.03.047.
[2] M. V. Parfenov, E. V. Starokon, L. V. Pirutko, G.I. Panov, J. Catal. 318 (2014) 14–21. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2014.07.009.
[3] V. Kovalskii, A.A. Shubin, Y. Chen, D. Ovchinnikov, S.P. Ruzankin, J. Hasegawa, et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 679 (2017) 193–199. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2017.05.002.
Internship supervisor: Dr. Igor L. Zilberberg, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk
语言: 英语
课程时间:: 3 — 6个月
Short description: The growth of energy consumption in the world and a steady decline of reserves light and medium crude oils inevitably lead to necessity of increasing the production of heavy crude oil. Processing of heavy and extra-heavy oil is difficult mainly due to the higher viscosity, the significant content of high-molecular compounds of heteroatoms and metals, and a smaller ratio of H:C in comparison with light and medium oils.
Upgrading of heavy oil using water today is a strong interest as an alternative to the traditional, based on the processes of thermal cracking and hydrocracking. The water in this case is considered as a source of hydrogen as well as medium (in the case of the refining of oil in sub - and supercritical water). Dispersed catalysts showed himself as a promising catalysts for the processing of heavy oil. Their advantage is reduced influence of diffusion limitations and increasing the availability of highly active centers for the high-molecular compounds.
Today is actively developing the technology upgrading of heavy oils and petroleum residues in the presence of dispersed catalysts, suspended in the raw material (slurry-phase process). The precursors of catalysts decompose directly in crude oil (in situ) under the influence of elevated temperature with the formation of dispersed particles, the size of which may vary from a few tens of nanometers to micrometers.
The aim of this work is to study the process of steam cracking of heavy oil in a slurry and batch reactor using disperse catalysts based on iron, molybdenum and other metals produced in situ. The resulting liquid and solid products analyze by various physicochemical methods (XRF, TEM, EXAFS, CHNS analysis, viscometry, ASTM-1160, etc).
The topic of study is placed on the edge of pure and applied catalysis.
Internship supervisor: Dr. Roman Kukushkin, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk State University
语言: 英语
课程时间:3 — 6个月
Short description: Monographic study of collections of the the Lower Cambrian trilobites from several sections of Tyva Region. Conducting a comparative analysis trilobites with complexes from other regions (Siberian Platform, Mongolia, Kuznetsk Alatau, etc.). Identification of the features of the paleogeographic and stratigraphic distribution of trilobites. Preparation an article on the paleobiogeographic distribution of trilobites of the Atdabanian and Botomian Stages.
Internship supervisor: Korovnikov I.V.; Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
语言: 俄语/英语
课程时间:: 25.05.2018 – 25.08.2018
Short description: The study of Archaeocyatha - calcimicrobal bioconstructions of Bayankol and Shevilig Formations of Tuva (Lower Cambrian). Study of the systematic composition, morphological features of “regular” and “irregular” archeocyatha and features of paleogeographic distribution. Conducting a comparative analysis of complexes of archeocyatha with complexes of neighboring regions (Kuznetsk Alatau, Gorny Altai, Mongolia, China).
Internship supervisor: Tokarev D.A.; Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
语言: 俄语/英语
课程时间:: 25.05.2018 – 25.08.2018
Short description: The main purpose and characteristic feature of this program is the accessibility of presentation and an attempt to cover the rapidly developing areas of the theory, numerical methods and applications of inverse and ill-posed problems as completely as possible.
Internship supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maxim Shishlenin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
语言: 英语
课程时间:: 4个月 — 2年
Short description: In case of uncertain model parameters a data assimilation algorithm allows to improve model forecasts with the use of measurement data obtained from the monitoring network during the simulation. Data assimilation problem is considered as a series of the connected inverse problems. Within this framework a control function is introduced into the model source term (which can be interpreted as emission rate) to provide flexibility to adjust to data. Our study is focused on data assimilation algorithms for atmospheric chemistry transport and transformation models. Computational complexity of data assimilation algorithms is due to high dimensionality of the models and the requirement for the real-time operation mode. Complicated models can be treated by using a splitting technique which can be efficiently parallelized. You will be involved in the study of the data assimilation algorithms for the nonlinear production-destruction models responsible for the modeling of the chemical transformations.
Address of internship: Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Siberian Brancj of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prospect Akademika Lavrentjeva, 6, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia.
Inteship supervisor: Vladimir Penenko PhD, DSc, head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Hydrotermodynamic Processes in Environment at ICM&MG SB RAS, Professor of Mathematics at Novosibirsk State University. Alexey V. Penenko, PhD, Senior researcher at ICM&MG SB RAS, researcher at Novosibirsk State University.
语言: 俄语/英语
课程时间: 4个月
Short description: This is a theoretical work combined with numerical experiments. General laws are to be derived from particular cases produced by simulations. Long term evolution of particle beams in self-consistently produced plasma wakefields will be studied with the help of available quasi-static code LCODE. The particular attention is to be paid to energy spread and emittance of the accelerated beam and to the overall efficiency of the concept. The results will be of importance for AWAKE project at CERN, as well as for several supporting experiments with self-modulating electron beams (at SLAC, DESY, Budker INP).
Internship supervisor: Konstantin Lotov, professor.
语言: 俄语/英语
课程时间:: 3个月
要求: 力学基本课程、电动力学和流体力学是必要的。等离子体物理基础课程、加速器物理、连续介质电动力学、狭义相对论是可取的。在学术成就最高25%。
研究领域: Mathematics and Computer Science.
研究题目:: Semi-supervised classification of hyperspectral images using cluster ensemble and transfer learning.
Short description: The research subject is mathematical theory of machine learning and data mining, especially in the area of ensemble clustering and image classification. The results of research are expected to be applied for developing more efficient algorithms for computer analysis of satellite images. The student's task is:
a) to get acquainted with existing mathematical models and methods in the research field;
b) to develop a new method which combines ensemble clustering, kernel based classification and transfer learning;
c) to suggest an algorithm and write a program code;
d) to study the efficiency of the algorithm on hyperspectral images.
Address of internship: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Brancj of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Internship supervisor: Vladimir Berikov
语言 : 英语
课程时间:: 4个月
研究领域: 流体动力学
Short description: You will be invited to push forward the current understanding of turbulent flows using advanced supercomputing supplemented with a proper theoretical analysis. A wide range of interacting length scales makes turbulence one of the greatest current challenges in science (see Millennium Prize Problems on the existence and smoothness of the Navier–Stokes equations). From the practical point of view it is sufficient to be able to predict and manipulate the largest scales of motion due to the bulk of the turbulent kinetic energy carried by these usually organized «coherent» structures. An example of such a turbulence building block is shown below for the far field of a fluid jet spreading in the same fluid environment (simulation of Prof RD Sandberg, University of Melbourne). It turns out that organized motion takes the form of a number of helical vortices propagating dowstream with the flow (see the framed red region and the blow up with helical structures on the right). These observations have the potential to help control the properties of engineering-relevant flows such as mixing, spreading, acoustic characteristics etc.
Address of internship: Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lavrentev 1, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Internship supervisor: Mullyadzhanov Rustam, Ph.D, research fellow in the Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
语言: 俄语/英语
课程时间: 3-6个月
研究领域:: chemisal physics, electrical circuit.
研究题目:: Investigation of influence of highly conductive inclusions in the medium to a overall conductivity.
Short description: Previously, the correlation was obtained between the value of the electrical conductivity and the mass fraction of carbon at the detonation of the high explosives[1]. There is a hypothesis that the carbon atoms are arranged in a fractal nanostructures piercing detonation environment. As shown in [2], the mass fraction of carbon of less than 0.07 is insufficient to form a mesh, but correlation of conductivity and mass fraction still exists. We plan to investigate the effect of highly conductive carbon inclusions in the low- conducting medium to the overall electrical conductivity.
1. Satonkina, N.P. Jornal of Applied Physics, 2015, vol. 118, p. 245901. doi: 10.1063/1.4938192
2. Satonkina N.P., A. P. Ershov, E. R. Pruuel, and D. I. Karpov, in Proceedings of the XXIX International Conference Physics of Extreme States of Matter (2014).
Address of internship: Institute of Hydrodinamics SB RAS, Lavrentieva Ave., 15, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090
Internship supervisor: Satonkina Nataliya, researcher, PhD.
语言: 俄语/英语
课程时间: 3-4个月
Short description: In some thechnical devices a problem of static electricity arises resulting from, for example, friction. For safety, it is necessary to get rid of the static electricity. This task is easily solved by the addition of carbon nanotubes to the material. It is necessary to carry out a simulation to determine the location of the elements relative to each other and the effect of the additive on the conductivity.
Address of internship: Institute of Hydrodinamics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lavrentieva Ave., 15, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090
Internship supervisor: Satonkina Nataliya, researcher, PhD.
语言: 俄语/英语
课程时间: 3-4个月
Short desciption: investigations of condensed HEs revealed the essential role of inhomogeneities in the initiation of detonation. For example, the duration of the reaction zone at the detonation of pressed trinitrotoluene (TNT) is two times shorter than in the cast TNT. This difference is related to the different structure of the charge. The objective is to investigate the distribution of cavities in the HE charge using available x-ray tomography data. Later, we plan to the create the computer program for analyzing the inhomogeneities and to investigate several HEs using this program.
Address of internship: Institute of Hydrodinamics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lavrentiev Prosp., 15, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Internship supevisor: Satonkina Nataliya, researcher, PhD; Dmitry Medvedev, senior researcher, PhD.
语言 俄语/英语
课程时间: 3-4个月
Short description: This internship is aimed at development of new approach to a solution of the problem of a plasma confinement which is based on the principle of a feed–back. It is planned to move to achievement of this goal through a solution of two problems of the linear stability for thermodynamic nonequilibrium (or, in other words, quasi–equilibrium) stationary states of boundless collisionless electroneutral plasma in the electrostatic approximation (Vlasov–Poisson plasma) in one–dimensional statement. Specifically, by the time of completion of the internship, problems of the linear stability for one–dimensional/radial quasi–equilibrium stationary states of Vlasov–Poisson plasma in relation to one–dimensional/radial perturbations in the Cartesian/spherical frame will be solved in case the plasma includes charged particles of one sort with stationary distribution functions which are not isotropic on a phase continuum. The choice of listed above problems for this internship is caused by the fact that results of their decision (so, and new approach to a solution of the problem of a plasma confinement on the basis of the principle of a feed–back) can be illustrated with rigorous analytical examples of corresponding stationary states and small perturbations. Desirable number of interns ― two persons (according to number of problems). Before the internship, it would be useful for future interns to examine with the article [1] and with English–language sources which are contained in this article.
Address of internship: Sobolev Institute for Mathematics SB RAS, 4 Acad. Koptyug Ave., Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation.
Internshi supervisor: Yuriy Gubarev; Laboratory for Fluid and Gas Vortical Motions, Department of Physical Hydrodynamics, Lavrentyev Institute for Hydrodynamics SB RAS, 15 Lavrentyev Ave., Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation; Section of Differential Equations, Department for Mechanics and Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University, 1 Pirogov Str., Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation; Section for Physics of Continuous Media, Department of Physics, Novosibirsk State University, 2 Pirogov Str., Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation.
语言 : 俄语/英语
课程时间:2018年5月 - 9月
Reference: 1. Gubarev Yu.G. On instability of dynamic equilibrium states of Vlasov–Poisson plasma // Applied Mathematics and Physics. 2016. Vol. 4. No. 1. P. 1–8.
Short description: we are studying spin dynamics in various NMR experiments dealing with non-thermally polarized spin systems. By exploiting strong non-equilibrium polarization of spins, also termed spin hyperpolarization, one can strongly enhance signals in NMR, which is crucial for many applications. We investigate theoretically and experimentally various aspects dealing with the evolution of polarization, such as polarization transfer from protons, which are often easy to polarize, to other nuclei. We can run unique experiments using field variation over a very wide range, from 10 nanotesla to 10 Tesla: access to very low fields provides favorable conditions for polarization transfer among hetero-nuclei. We are also interested in spin relaxation phenomena and their magnetic field dependence, which can be used to probe molecular mobility. Last but not least, we are developing new methods for working with spin pairs prepared in the singlet spin state, since such states are often “long-lived” and relax to equilibrium much slower than net spin magnetization. Extended lifetimes of such states offer a broader window for NMR observation. We are developing techniques for generating such states in an efficient way. As far as specific project is concerned, we can propose different options, hence the choice can be up to the applicant and his/her research interests and personal preferences.
Internship supervisor: Prof. Konstantin Ivanov, International Tomography Center (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science) and Novosibirsk State University
语言 英语
课程时间:: 3-4个月
Short description: Modern WSNs consists of intellectual devises – sensors. Each sensor collects certain data inside the area which is called the coverage zone of the sensor and transmits it (hop-by-hop) to the base station (BS) or sink. Since the sensing energy consumption is proportional to the covered area, the problem of energy consumption minimization is reduced to the classical computational geometry problem of coverage density minimization.
Collected by the sensors data must be delivered to the BS consuming the minimal communication energy which is proportional to the transmission distance. Then the next problem is a synthesis of the communication spanning tree which consumes minimal communication energy. This is a well know strongly NP-hard problem, and approximate algorithms are desirable.
Another problem, which arises in the context of WSNs optimization, is a conflict-free (interference-aware) data aggregation which is strongly NP-hard problem in general. The problem remains NP-hard even when the aggregation tree is given. But if communication graph is a unit square grid, then the problem can be solved by polynomial time when the transmission distance is 1 or 2. For greater transmission distance, only approximate algorithms are known.
In the problem of barrier monitoring in the case of mobile sensors, there is a problem of moving sensors to a minimum total distance in such a way as to cover a certain line (barrier). This problem is NP-hard in the case when the coverage area of each sensor is a circle of a certain radius. If the coverage areas of all sensors are the same, then the complexity of the problem is open question. Although, some approximate algorithms are known
The student will be offered several topical problems arising in the context of optimization of the WSNs. Upon successful completion of the internship, an article will be prepared.
Internship supervisor: Prof. Adil Erzin, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Novosibirsk State University
语言 : 俄语/英语
课程时间:: 1-12个月
研究领域: IT-modern密码学、信息安全
Short description: There are a lot of applications where we cannot use standard method of encryption. The secret processing of data require a fully homomorphic encryption and order preserving encryption. The lightweight encryption is useful for weak processors and small data storage. SCADA systems must be protected from “side channel attack”. The realization of cryptographic primitives for FPGA. All this applications require new approach to design new methods of encryption. This questions will be the main theme of future work.
Internship supervisor: Sergey Krendelev, PhD, professor Novosibirsk State University
语言 : 俄语/英语
课程时间: 3-4个月
Short description: Deep learning and artificial neural networks are the hot topics now. This is because modern hardware like NVIDIA GPUs give a chance to train neural networks in a few days or hours instead of weeks and months on a CPU. During the internship we suggest to students learn different frameworks like Tensorflow, PyTorch and others, and apply those tools to classify/analyze data for our association dictionary (http://dictaverf.nsu.ru, http://adictru.nsu.ru). Results of the research could turn to a new functionality of the web site.
Internship supervisor: Alexey A. Romaneko, Novosibirsk State University
语言 : 俄语/英语
课程时间: 2 - 3个月
Short description: Two companies, a leader and a follower, open facilities and compete to attract clients from a given market. Each company has a budget and maximizes own market share. Each client splits own demand probabilistically over all opened facilities by the gravity rule. The goal is to find the location and design of the leader facilities to maximize his market share. We wish to develop some heuristics for this game based on the best response strategy and present some computational results.
Internship supervisor: Yury Kochetov
课程时间:3 - 6个月
7月中的三周 注意:为了能够按时办理好有关手续(如给实习单位交纳实习费、办宿舍登记和落地签等等)需要提前3天抵达并实习后再逗留3天。 为了获得进入北极野生动物保护和边疆地区的许可,申请人必须提供详细个人信息和相关证件。
3周。 注意:为了能够按时办理好有关手续(如给实习单位交纳实习费、办宿舍登记和落地签等等)需要提前3天抵达并实习后再逗留3天。
2周 注意:为了能够按时办理好有关手续(如给实习单位交纳实习费、办宿舍登记和落地签等等)需要提前3天抵达并实习后再逗留3天。
7月的三周。 注意:为了能够按时办理好有关手续(如给实习单位交纳实习费、办宿舍登记和落地签等等)需要提前3天抵达并实习后再逗留3天。
约150平方公里的训练场地位于克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区南部,在哈卡斯共和国的希拉(Shira)区。 地球物理学专业的学生学习对电阻率、重力、地面辐射测量学进行研究,并学会运用光谱法、氡射气测量的方法和装置。
这次野外实习的优点是因为学生们就在这个地方参加了构造地质学和地质填图的实习课程,所以每个人都可以靠着亲自测绘的培训场地的地质地图。本实习结束后学生们清晰地了解对研究地球的深层结构和矿产勘查的每个方法的可能性。 听完每个主题绪论性的演讲之后,学生们就在实习区进行野外工作。学生们交替地做野外工作和测量结果的后期处理。 NSU野外地质教研基地位于离“珍珠”度假胜地和阿巴坎-阿钦斯克高速公路不远处。基地由五个教室、一个食堂、学生和教职员工的住所组成。
6月中的4周(再加上7月中的2周)。 注意:为了能够按时办理好有关手续(如给实习单位交纳实习费、办宿舍登记和落地签等等)需要提前3天抵达并实习后再逗留3天。
约150平方公里的训练场地位于克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区南部,在哈卡斯共和国的希拉(Shira)区。 NSU地质学与地球物理学系的二年的级学生们在那里进行构造地质学和地质填图的野外工作。现场地理环境是美丽的单面山地地形,有很多淡水湖和咸水湖,在课程期间会保障学生们的安全和舒适。
两周。 注意:为了能够按时办理好有关手续(如给实习单位交纳实习费、办宿舍登记和落地签等等)需要提前3天抵达并实习后再逗留3天。 7月1 – 15日或7月15–30日。